Monday, May 11, 2009

Next Project

For this next project I want to make a comic and creating the images using a wacom tablet. Here are some current webcomics that I like to read that are relevant to the project:

Blastwave is a comedy about a few soldiers trying to survive in a futuristic bombed out city.

Paper Eleven is an abstract horror comic done by an artist named Dan Kim.

Hey Troy, can you write a blog entry with the syllabus of this next project?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Here are some examples of pictures I want to use for the sides of my planet cubes.
The larger outer-ring planets don't have pictures of their surfaces, and I don't want a picture of the whole planet.

Another idea I was thinking of making cubes of all the same size, and put pictures of animals and plants on them and then put them in a boggle cube, and it could be like "create your own ecosystem" much like that Spore game Troy is always obsessing over. The boggle cube could be earth and you can chose what animals you want on it. I'll be sure to include dinosaurs too.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Infinite Inspiration 3

One more idea I would like to incorporate is perhaps make a re-printable stencil that anyone can use to create their own graffiti. Banksy is one example. The "Buried Treasure" one might be an avenue I would like to pursue

Infinite Inspiration 2

The object doesn't necessarily have to be hidden too. The artwork of Julian Beever also inspired me to possibly create an illusion that people would want to reproduce. Here is some of his work.

Infinite Inspiration

Most of the inspiration for this project came from one of the sharpest humanitarian ad campaigns I have ever seen.

After seeing this I felt so inspired by it that I wanted to recreate that emotion. I'm not sure if I will use the same theme of landmines, but something sticking to people's feet unexpectedly is one idea I might want to pursue. Once completed, if it is interesting enough, I plan to unleash them onto the UD campus, spreading awareness.

The Infinite Print

My idea of something that is infinitely reproducible is an icon. A Che shirt is a perfect example of being infinitely reproducible.

The Icon has the ability to slap a meaning on a viewer by just glancing at it. I want to re-create this feeling and apply it to an area where people would not expect: the ground.

My goal for this project is to create an object that interacts with the ground, that will instantly zap viewers with meaning as soon as they see it, and can be easily reproducible by anyone.

I also want to attach a message that would make everyone want to reproduce it themselves, perhaps even starting a world wide printing phenomenon.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This is some cover artwork from a Japanese rock band. This is the style I'm going for with the T-shirts. I want to reduce human forms into outlines and use illustrator to add graphic shapes and objects.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Manipulation Project Idea #2

My last idea won't go over too well with a lithography or silk screen print, new processes to me that I would like to try out.

So for my second idea I want to use photoshop to digitally divide a picture into only a few tones, like this poster of Barack Obama. I'm thinking of putting either my face or some figure who inspires me there. After that, I will re-print it using a silk screen process to make a T-shirt. Or maybe 5 tees. Or 100. Maybe I'll open up my own tee company. I'm not sure yet, however many there is time for.

I want to add many graphic shapes and patterns to the designs as well. It will look really cool.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Manipulation Project

What I want to do for this manipulation project is essentially the same thing that I did in my first Photo Manipulation post, except take it to the next level. 

First I want to get a real nice high-res photograph of something, instead of a low-res news picture. One idea I've been thinking of is a city skyline, but I'm keeping my mind open. 

Second, instead of taking someone else's digital art, I will create my own illustration. I have a Wacom tablet that I can use to make some crazy robot or monster.

Third: I will combine the two seamlessly to create a fantasy picture that looks as real as possible. Something along the lines of this video, but a picture instead.

It's gonna look awesome.

What is manipulation?

The manipulation of information in terms of advertising and politics is propoganda. Propoganda is one of the most effective tools for changing public opinion. But it is inevitable because our society is already overloaded with information. The media gets spun around so much these days, both left and right. Do you watch CNN or FOX? It's impossible to hide from it. And you can't just refuse to see advertisements anymore because they're everywhere. But sometimes people do a really bad job at it. I don't think advertising is entirely bad though, because who doesn't like to watch superbowl commercials?

Photo Manipulation

First post! Here is a demonstration of my awesome photoshop skillz:

This is a photo taken during the Israel/Gaza conflict.

This is a drawing someone made in Photoshop.

This is the two of them combined and edited.